* Mar gheall ar an phaindéim Covid-19 níl an cór gníomhach faoi láthair ach tá súil againn go n-athróidh sin gan mhoill. Téigh i dteagmháil linn má tá suim agat bheith páirteach!
Bunaíodh an t-aon chór Gaeilge sa Bhreatain in 2019. Canaimid amhráin thraidisiúnta Ghaeilge agus amhráin eile aistrithe go Gaeilge. Bhí muid ar an stáitse ag Féile Gaelic Voices, Ceolchoirm na Nollag sa London Irish Centre agus ag an Lá Gaelach ag Ollscoil Learphoill i Londain.
Cé go gcanaimid as Gaeilge, níl Gaeilge de dhíth ort chun a bheith páirteach sa chór – tugtar leaganacha foghraíochta de na hamhráin.
* Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Choir isn’t able to meet at present but we are looking forward to starting again as soon as we can. In the meantime, let us know if you would like to take part.
The only Irish language choir in Britain was founded in 2019. We sing traditional Irish songs as well as other songs translated into Irish. We have performed at the Gaelic Voices Festival, the London Irish Centre Christmas Concert and the Irish Language Day at the University of Liverpool in London.
Although we sing in Irish, you don’t need to be fluent to get involved – phonetic versions of the songs are provided.